Thursday 23 February 2017

Reflective Practice

In this studio brief, we were asked to make an A2 poster  to identify and summarise something over the course

2 things that I have learnt in the course:
-I learnt more western culture, because I am the only Asian student in my class, I didn't really know much about the western before I came here, for example, I learnt that western people like to go to pub every Friday's night which is totally different with my home country(Hong Kong).
-The design between Asian and Western is quite different, Asian prefer more decoration in the design, while western people prefer simpler design.

2 things that engaged me:
-Keep studying and improving my English as it isn't my first language
-I am the only Asian in my class so I can introduce more asian culture to my classmate.

Aims and ambitions for level 5 or beyond: 
-To improve my English, especially speaking in front of more people due to the fact that it isn't my first language and I am not really good at English so I feel nervous all the time when I speak in front of many people or people that I don't know, however, in the graphic design industry, we have to do a lot of presentation so I really want to overcome this problem.

2 things that I have not enjoyed in the course:
-There is no more Asian student in my class
-I can't concentrate working in the studio if there are too many people

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