Tuesday 22 November 2016

Personal Qualities

  1. From Hong Kong
  2. Smart
  3. Friendly
  4. Smiley
  5. Super nice
  6. Approachable
  7. Hard working
  8. Likes K-pop
  9. Cultured
  10. Cool shoes
  11.  Cool earrings
  In this task, we were asked to list some personal qualities for each other(people that we didn't know). It was really a funny task as we could met people that we didn't know before and how is our first impression from the others. Due to the reason that I am the only Asian student in the class so all classmates already known I am from Hong Kong. I am really happy that they said I am super nice and friendly, etc. To be honest, when I came to the class in the first day, I felt very scary because there is no more Asian students other than me so I felt really nervous. Therefore, I believe if I be nice to others, I can make many friends. Most people said I like Kpop very much. Yes, it is true, I listen and watch kpop almost everyday. Due to this reason, I started to learn Korean. However, I didn't know why my classmates said I am hardworking as I think I am quite lazy sometimes. But I am really happy to hear that.

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