Wednesday 23 November 2016



 In this task, the aim is to manage our time well. In this session, we learned how to make a good time planning. Due to the fact that we have a lot of stress, planning time can help to tackle the problem. We were asked to create a time plan on a A1 sheet which listed what we will do in a week from 7:00 am until 12:am everyday.
  Actually, I wake up at 8:00 am everyday if I have morning class(From 9:30 am), I think it is the best time to wake up as I have enough time to prepare to back to uni so that I won't be late. In my time table, from Monday to Thursday after class, I mainly still continue with my tasks. I really like to go to city and have a walk on Friday after school because it is really a good time for me to relax or destress. I think I am the only one have this activity to do "Study English". As I am the only Asian student in the class, my English must not good as others because it isn't my first language. Therefore, I may have some difficulties in the class, if I don't study English better, I won't be able to study well.

After a week
  Actually, I didn't follow all schedules in the time table because I just focus to complete my first module( OUDG403 ) as the submission date is next week. Therefore, I didn't study English in this week. Hopefully, I will keep follow the schedules everyday in the future.

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