Monday 15 April 2019

My personal site
This is my personal website which shows some works that I did in the past so that it helps to promote my personal branding and let more people know.

Basically, I followed some of the site layouts and keep it with a basic structure. I created a very relevant quote to describe my brand-"I draw what I want.". I really like it, simple but meaningful. It is true that I only draw what I want and I won't draw something I don't like/want.

At the homepage, I added a form for visitors if they want to contact me, it is easier for them to contact me, they just need to fill in some information and the content, if they click the "Submit" button, it will send to my email directly which I will check every day. As a result, it makes everything more convenient.

Generally, the site included the works that I like the most including graphics works and characters illustrations. It fully showed my interest in the design industry to the audiences. I used the same background colour as my business card so that it makes more connection with each other.

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