Monday 22 April 2019

Rebrand/redesign for a "Bad design logo"

In this lecture, I think it is really funny and enjoyable which I can learn different from it, basically, in this lecture, we were asked to choose a "Shit design" and how we can promote it based on the bad design, afterwards, we need to rebrand or redesign to make it better and promote it but need to keep most of the original design. I think the lecture is really funny because it is really difficult to promote the company if the logo looks really bad, however, as a designer, we should be creative and love to face challenges.

I choose a Japanese medical brand because the logo looks really bad and misunderstanding. Hence, I want to redesign it.

The brand is "Kudawara", no matter the colour or design, I totally disagree that it is a medical company, furthermore, the main problem is the upper case "K", it seems a couple having sex. Due to this reason, I rebranded for them by taking the letter "K"' idea and the medical company idea. I choose to make it especially selling sex medicine so that it makes everything more sense.

Simply, this lecture allows us to makes everything become possible even it is a bad design, I really like what we produced.

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