Wednesday 9 May 2018

Interest in Japanese anime

  Being an Asian, I am sure that most of the asian love Japanese animation because they are really popular in Asia. I watched a lot when I was child and I have a lot of Japanese anime toys especially "Gundam" and "Kamen Rider". That's the reason why I am a big fan of Japanese anime. When I become a graphic design learner or designer, I still can't stop how I love Japanese anime even though I grow up. Therefore, I also like to draw different anime characters, I think it is really fun. I think the Japanese drawing skill is really different with others, it looks really details and realistic. Especially the colour. Hence, I want to learn from it. In order to practice my interest, I did some Japanese anime character drawing in the studio brief 1 in module 505, it was a really interesting brief  because it is what I am interest so I feel really enjoyable while I was doing the brief. Also, I always looked at how people draw the characters so that it can influence me a lot.

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