Friday 4 May 2018

Our theme

  Basically, our group''s idea is to "Bring the outside in", research shows that plants in the workplace could boost your productivity by 15%. In our second year studio, some people also put some plants near their seat so that they can work better.
  We decided to use the walls for storage and to pin up work and ideas for inspiration, it is a really great idea I think because in many studios, people love to pin up their works on the wall and get feedback easily.
  Moreover, the Chalk board walls for information and advertisements, people can see the news in a easy and comfortable way so that they won't miss any news from the uni.
  Digital wayfinding system can provide a simple way for students and visitors to get around the uni, it seems like some shopping mall, it is a faster and easier for freshers to find the place they want to go.
  In order to make the environment better, we decided to use the big windows because it allows more light to go inside the classroom which can save more energy.
  For the floor, we wanted to make Plug sockets on the floor to stop long wires everywhere so that it makes a lot more convenient.
  For chair, we think Swivel chair gives a greater sense of freedom and Comfy chairs at the back with desks with iMacs on.

My role:
-Giving ideas to group
-Collect some images

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