Saturday 19 May 2018

Module evaluation

  In this year, I think it is a little bit different with last year rather than the quality, requirements of production, etc. What I mean is I think we have more independent time to work on our projects which is totally different with last year as we were asked to stay and work in the studio all day and tutors would always come to you and ask if you need any help or not, however, in this year, we have to be more independent, tutors not stay with you all the time so it seems like more professional.
  I really enjoyed doing the studio brief 1 because I interviewed to some design professionals which inspired me a lot and I can learn from them, they were really kind and nice which made me feel easier to work on the brief. Also, I think it is really important to make new friends in this industry as we can share ideas and learn from each others so I also said "Keep Contact" in my interviews so that I can keep in touch with some professional. Hence, I really like to do on this brief.
  However, I think my presentation skills still need to be improved, I tried my best to present in foreign language in the group so I felt quite happy with that. I think what I can do is practice in front of the mirror before the presentation so that I won't be that nervous during the real presentation.

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