Wednesday 2 May 2018

Something new for me in 503

  During the module, I worked a new thing that I haven't try before. In the studio brief 2 of he module 503, we were asked to work as a team e.g with others from different courses. To be honest, I was really scared when I received the brief because I didn't know much people from the other courses so I felt struggling to find a partner. But once I found my partner to work with, it was really interesting, it seems like working as a professional, I know that in our design career, we have to work with many people from other pathway or even someone who didn't study art before. I learnt many new things while doing this brief which I have never learnt through graphic design such as the marketing strategies, it is really useful to me in my practice, it influence me that when I designing something, I should also think about the marketing strategies but not only design. Working as a team really need communication, if we don't communicate well, we won't know what the others want. Hence, I think the most important thing is communication. It was a really unforgettable experience.

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